Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas letter and all that.....

Well, here I go! I completely lost track of time and not only did it become December, but apparently I fell off my "oath to blogging" wagon! So, with my coffee cup in hand and snow falling outside, my annual Christmas letter will appear!  (and is snowing again, adding to the 2+ feet of snow we already have!)

Each year for us is generally very much like the last, only it seems to be in fast forward as the years add up. Aside from some crazy things at work, it was a pretty basic year. We spent some time up at Breezy Point and Battle Lake over the New Year. Megan is still a girl scout Brownie and she doubled her cookie sales from the year before!  I went to Las Vegas in February for a Veterinary Convention. I did not come back a millionaire as it is very difficult to win millions, just one penny at a time! Kris still works at LaMettry's and we still are happy to be at our little hobby farm in the country.  I think we gained a dog, sold a horse, bought a horse and gained too many kittens. As I said.......pretty basic year. Ok, I will get you more details!

Megan turned 9 in November. She is in 3rd grade and absolutely loves school and her teacher. She is a very good reader and got to be in an enrichment reading class this year. Her best friend is Kaitlyn and they were both VERY excited to be in the same class this year. They are great friends and spend as much time together as possible.  The two of them showed their horses together all summer long. She sold her pony Lieba to another little girl this past summer.  (Which was pretty tough on Mom, by the way! But it was her decision.) She decided she wanted something faster and that Lieba was much happier going slow and teaching another little girl the ways of the saddle. So after lots of talking and looking she sold Lieba and bought Leah. Leah is the horse that every little 9 year old girl would love to have. She is an absolute gem. She is a 21 year old quarter horse mare that loves my kid as much as Meg loves her. They are an excellent team. Meg wanted to go faster and fast is what Leah will do......only when asked though- which makes her "Mom's" gem as well.  They won ribbons and achieved goals this summer and can't wait until next year. We have tons of video and pics of this dynamic duo. 

In August, Megan got to be one of the flower girls in her uncle Cory's wedding. What a beautiful wedding it was! Jenny was a gorgeous bride and we are so happy to have her as part of the family. Megan thought it was great fun to be all dressed up and dancing the night away. 

This fall, as usual, we did quite a bit of trial riding again. I found it to be the most wonderful "family" time. I realized how much my daughter had grown just from one year to the next. Many times, just the two of us would throw the horses in the trailer and take off for an afternoon of riding. I absolutely cherish the memories we all made from the back of our horses this year. Kris and I did our annual Dodge trail ride over our 12th anniversary weekend. It was a beautiful weekend with warm temps and sun shining. Kris is still riding his trusty mount Jamr and I have my 3 year old Chancy. She truly is turning into a great horse. We did not get to show much this year, but enjoyed our time together in the arena and on the trails as well. 

In November, Jeff and Heather had their little girl!  Megan is so excited to finally have another girl in the family, not that she loves Hayden, Brody and Broc any less!  Of course, she can't wait to teach Taylor the joys of horses! Watch out Jeff and Heather!

This brings us to the end of hard to believe. We were busy all the time this year, but wouldn't want it any other way. We are truly blessed with wonderful family and great friends. This was a year to just remember what's important and cherish the memories we've made. Hope this finds all of you with warm hearts and smiles on your faces. Wishing you all the most merriest Christmas and a fabulous 2011!
Take care!
Kris, Heather, Megan (the 2-leggeds)
Sophie, ChaChing and Nemo (the ankle-biters)
Leah, Chancy, Caddi, Jamr & Carrots (the eating machines)
Abby, Sassy, Curious, Black Stripes, Twister, Noodles, & Flower (the barn staff)

Ok- and this is also my pledge to keep up my blogging, so check in often to see what we are up to or check out my old posts!!!