Sunday, October 17, 2010

The joys of hard work

Really? The joys of hard work?
They always say that a good days hard work is great as you really feel as though you have accomplished something for the day.  As I sit here with a sore back and tired muscles in my arms and even in my hands and fingers, feeling relatively exhausted...........I guess I do have to agree. It is a pain in the butt to stack hay and there are certainly days that I really wonder why the heck I do it year after year, but when it is all said and done and the barn is full of hay, all ready for winter, it is always a really great feeling.  Putting up hay is something that we all dread to a certain degree, but I have found aside from the physical part of hay, you get the benefit of time spent with friends and family as well.  Some of our best stories have been told while stacking hay. A few of the best jokes or the laughs that last so long that your belly hurts......all while putting up hay. Sure we gripe a bit as we do it, but that is half the fun as none of us are ever really that serious.  You dig in and get it done and then before you know it, it is done! Spending quality time up in the rafters of a barn with hay up your nose and down your bra are hours well spent!! The horses seem to almost give a look of appreciation, or that might be just satisfaction in their eyes knowing that they will have feed for the winter. Either way it is a good feeling to have it done for the year.  
A special thanks to my neighbors and friends and my family, even Megan helped with hay this year, for time well spent and work well done.  Feels great! 
Ok- arms too tired to type cream and TV time, here I come! 

Sunday, October 3, 2010


This is my tribute to coffee.
There is just something magical about coffee in the morning, don't ya think? As many know, I am not anywhere close to being a morning person, but coffee makes it bearable and somewhat enjoyable to have mornings. There is something about that smell lingering in the house on a crisp morning, like this one, that just makes it all ok.  The smell not only wakes me up as I zombie walk to the pot, but brings me back in time to mornings of waking up to that smell at home, at grandma's or at Crosslake. All good family gatherings always have that rich coffee smell and I think that is part of the reason I love it so much.  As I am starting my process of waking up in the morning, it is nice to reflect on a few memories each day. Now there are days that I simply rush to the coffee pot and  fly around the house like a crazy woman, but the days that I take just a half a minute to bring up a memory- my whole day turns out better, I am pretty sure. 

Coffee is an acquired taste, that is for certain. Some like it doctored up with cream and sugar and all sorts of fancy stuff. I myself, prefer it black. I think in some way, the way you take your coffee, reflects on your individual personality and traits. I find myself to be a blunt and straight forward person. I like people to tell me how it is, no sugar coating or beating around the bush........just like my coffee. It can be a bit bitter at times, but I always know exactly what I am getting with black coffee. Now, having that said, there is an occasional time where I like to add some generic creamer stuff to it. I also love a raspberry mocha from time to time, but for the most part, especially in the mornings, I like it black and to the point. 

The absolute best tasting coffee is the coffee I make while camping out of my percolating coffee pot. I am not sure that the taste is any different, as I use the same can of Folgers, but the process takes longer, the smell is stronger, and the air is usually crisper. When I get up to make coffee while camping, it is usually a very quiet and peaceful time of the day, the only time I love mornings.  I start the coffee and then feed the horses and get their water. By the time I have that done, coffee is almost ready. I love to sit in my lawn chair listening to the sound of horses eating and the birds chirping and just be. Just sit there and enjoy that moment. 

Coffee and I will have a long relationship-my morning partner that gets me going and keeps me from going too fast all at the same time. Who knew a beverage could do so much? 

How do you like your coffee?