Really? The joys of hard work?
They always say that a good days hard work is great as you really feel as though you have accomplished something for the day. As I sit here with a sore back and tired muscles in my arms and even in my hands and fingers, feeling relatively exhausted...........I guess I do have to agree. It is a pain in the butt to stack hay and there are certainly days that I really wonder why the heck I do it year after year, but when it is all said and done and the barn is full of hay, all ready for winter, it is always a really great feeling. Putting up hay is something that we all dread to a certain degree, but I have found aside from the physical part of hay, you get the benefit of time spent with friends and family as well. Some of our best stories have been told while stacking hay. A few of the best jokes or the laughs that last so long that your belly hurts......all while putting up hay. Sure we gripe a bit as we do it, but that is half the fun as none of us are ever really that serious. You dig in and get it done and then before you know it, it is done! Spending quality time up in the rafters of a barn with hay up your nose and down your bra are hours well spent!! The horses seem to almost give a look of appreciation, or that might be just satisfaction in their eyes knowing that they will have feed for the winter. Either way it is a good feeling to have it done for the year.
A special thanks to my neighbors and friends and my family, even Megan helped with hay this year, for time well spent and work well done. Feels great!
Ok- arms too tired to type cream and TV time, here I come!
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